Every time I go to LA, I stay at my good friend
Taya Rogers' place in Manhattan Beach. Because I was taking care of all my knee stuff up there, my latest trip lasted about 2 months. If you follow my blog, then you know that I shoot with Taya a lot. Being a very successful model and actress, she has had plenty of time in front of the camera and has taught me a lot when it comes to shooting models. Basically at this point, we've developed an amazing friendship and it's almost like a brother/sister relationship. We joke around talking trash on each other, but it's just that much more comfortable shooting. Anyways, one day we were hanging in the living room and she surprised me with this lunch bag she found in the fridge. It was FULL of 35mm and 120mm film she'd forgotten she had. Taya, being the amazingly generous person that she is, gave me dibs on whatever I wanted. I don't know what film this was, I think Kodak 400, maybe 800 with how grainy it is. Here are a few from 1 night in LA with Eddie, Taya, Buck, Josh, and Danielle. I hope you enjoy.

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