I haven't posted in awhile so before I get to the post, let me tell you that I've been shooting a lot of 35mm film lately. I haven't shot digital in months and I've been experimenting with a lot of different film on the shelves. I'll fill you in more on that later. My posts will start up again real soon.
Now, I strongly feel that much credit is due to many parties in this post (or not). First, Chemistry Surfboards because this post is about them. Photographers Cole Barash, Garrett Cortese, and Jimmy Fontaine, because they are 3 photographers that are good friends of mine and I look up to them for inspiration and creativity. I feel their work is something that I try and mimic in certain ways. They have all helped me in one way or another.
Last week I was coming up from work in San Diego and thought I would stop by the Chemistry shop. Hanging at Chemistry happens to be one of my favorite ways to kill time. The company appeals to myself and many others for a few solid reasons.
1- A few of my good friends work there. Chemistry is made up from a small collective of creative individuals, Jason Bennett being the mastermind of it all.
2- Chemistry is artistic by all means. Surfing is an art, no matter which side of the line you argue. Over the years it's been proven that surfing has been, is, and always will be artistic. The crew at Chemistry provides that appealing medium in everything they do whether it's board shapes, after hour parties (2010 Chem party), or paintings and music making.
3- This is the most important thing. Handshaped boards built by shapers that rip. It's almost imperative that your shaper knows how to stand up on a wave and go down the line. Well my shaper (Jason Bennett) has gotten magazine covers, sections in videos (J Clip), and to say he rips is an understatement.
So... back to stopping by Chemistry. Like always, I didn't give give Jason or Will heads up that I was stopping by. I stepped through the front door to see Jason at the front counter talking with Will about board orders, surf video playing on the tv, and a few new painted sticks in the show room. I figured the element of surprise would be the best way to get Jason in his element, shaping. He went back in the shaping room and I got some gear set up and started shooting the show room. I was psyched to see new tee designs (by Chem artist Scott Seiver). Will threw me a new XL Chem tee my way, THANKS WILL! So if you haven't gotten all your Christmas goodies yet, stop by the Chem shop and grab a new tee, they also have womens available.

I packed up my stuff, drank my OJ that Tommy got for me at Z Mart, then headed home. Next time you surf, take the time to appreciate the creation you are riding. Lots of time and creative energy goes into that, by more than one person. Big thanks to Jason, Will, Scott, and everyone else at Chemistry that makes surfing fun for me and YOU! Keeping the art flowing. Be sure to check out Chemistry Surfboards for your next shape, or even some shop goodies.
Jason Bennett of Chemistry Surfboards, in his element.

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