Garrett Cortese is the senior photographer/photo editor/writer for Alliance Wakeboard Magazine.
I met Garrett 3 years ago when I first started interning for Alliance. In 2007, Alliance sent me to Florida to shadow Garrett for a week. In that short amount of time I learned more about photography than I ever had in any class I've taken or book I've read. All the trips I've been on with Garrett, I'm shooting video and he's shooting stills, but I always seem to leave with more information about photography than I had when I arrived.
Garrett went to school in Colorado and started working for a newspaper before he worked for Alliance. He has paved a way in photography that shows his unique perspective on wakeboarding and it's lifestyle by always experimenting and looking for new ways to shoot. His style has been proven by the numerous cover shots and editorial photography he has shot. He's traveled ALL corners of the world and takes with him as much knowledge traveling can give to one.
Although I focus my career on video production, I've always been a huge fan of photography and have always wanted to be a professional photographer. After working closely with Garrett Cortese for the past 3 years, G easily makes my top list of photographers along side Cole Barash, Jimmy Fontaine, Vincent Laforet, Dustin Humphrey, and Annie Leibovitz. This is my dedication to Steezy Cortese.
The man!!!!

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